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stewart walker live in space garage, andrejsala on 21.09.2007

Автор loco
#1 | Дата: 18 Сен 2007 13:45 
stewart walker in space garage
live this friday, 21 september, 2007!

after selling his guitar and abandoning "lead singer" ambitions in 1993, stewart walker started to assemble a synthesizer-based hardware studio. he'd work his supermarket job during the day and come home to a dim room with blinking lights. starting with a synth and a drum machine, he'd work the filter knobs or pitchbender while dreaming of standing on stage in front of a screaming audience.

from such humble beginnings, stewart stepped up his knowledge of synthesis, drum programming and mixing. after a period of listening to and recording only freeform ambient jams, he picked up jeff mills "live at the liquid room" and fell in love with rhythm again. this early techno enthusiasm expressed itself in a line of recordings which were released first by matrix records in detroit, and later by deepfried (grand rapids, mi) and tektite (austin, tx). his first european release "artificial music for artificial people" came out on cristian vogel's mosquito imprint from brighton, england.

at this time when he was releasing his first records, stewart was frequenting local clubs to study how this music could be performed. this because he had already decided not to dj. so he brought his music on stage with the intention of doing what djs cannot. that is change the music inside the records they are playing. he took to the stage with an mpc-2000 and a dj mixer, determined to rock a crowd using only his music, shaped by his own hands. this lead to a worldwide touring regimen hitting clubs in asia and europe as well as in his native usa.

1999 included stewart's debut "nothing produces stark imagery" on tresor records, and the now-classic album "stabiles" on mille plateaux which cemented stewart a seminal role in the development of minimal techno. further releases appeared on labels such as minus and force inc. in 2001 stewart created his own label persona records with the intention to bring humanity back to electronic. after kraftwerk, and plastikman, he felt it was time to dispose of dehumanized avatars, and hopefully communicate human emotion through analog and digital waveforms, and occasionally the plucked guitar string.

persona released 11 records in the usa culminating in the second landmark album of stewart's career entitled "live extracts" which aimed to capture his more techno side heretofor only seen in his live performances. in 2003, "live extracts" was licensed by tresor, which stewart took as a sign that he should move his life to germany in order to truly participate in the vibrant european techno community.

persona restarted in berlin in 2005, this time based in berlin. stewart was touring heavily; performing regularly in every european capital, plus new excursions to australia and russia. at this time, he released the downtempo album "grounded in existence" and the breakbeaty techno ep called "travel plaza". these releases showcased an increased maturity through greater attention to nuance, dynamics, and melody. life in berlin strongly renewed stewart's appreciation of club culture, and new environments to enjoy dance music. opposite of the hard and fast techno which inspired him in the early days, he explored the bubbling micro-rhythms and looser construction utilized by contemporaries while still bringing his own melodic interpretations and unmistakably american grooves. his live technology switched from the hardware setup of his early career to a computer with greater flexibility.

"concentricity" was written during most of 2006 as stewart reconciled his multiple perceptions of "the berlin sound" from past and present, and presenting the music as a mix, since even the structural and song-shaped music he produces requires a context from which to emerge.

Автор MrProlix
raw paw
#2 | Дата: 21 Сен 2007 14:43 
С местом явно пролетел Stewart... по моим подсчетам, в этот гараж вмещается не более полсотни человек, да и то в режиме консервов... не представляю, что за винегрет там будет.

Автор MrProlix
raw paw
#3 | Дата: 22 Сен 2007 23:13 | Правил: MrProlix 
Беру свои слова обратно :-) По-моему, техно такого рода и нужно играть в тесном помещении наподобии Space Garage. Чтоб можно было потереться и точно в баню сходить, в общем итоге. Качнул Walker очень хорошо - мне хватило немногим более часа, чтобы отпереться по полной. Правда, на Андрейсалу я прибыл только около часу ночи и не знаю, что там было до этого. В общем, культовой вечеринкой это вряд ли можно назвать, но танцы получились своевременными, факт ;-) Особенно интересно было, когда Walker брал в руки какой-то прямоугольной формы предмет и что-то в нем накручивал. Я так и не понял, что это было.

Stewart Walker дымит в космическом гараже:

Stewart Walker дымит

Автор loco
#4 | Дата: 26 Сен 2007 22:29 
прямоугольный предмет - это миди-контроллер, вероятно. я видел такой на столе у стюарта перед лаптопом лежал какое-то время, с восьмью крутилками. а вы слышали выступление наших диджеев Ivarx и DV5, вслед за уолкером? прекрасные моторы играли -- невозможно на месте стоять было! прекрасно играют вдвоём одновременно, очень слаженно и чудно сводят винил.

Автор MrProlix
raw paw
#5 | Дата: 27 Сен 2007 01:22 
Да, я почувствовал, что именно после Уокера и начинается реальная колбаса :-) Но к сожалению, силы мои были на исходе после бурно проведенного конца рабочей недели, к тому же жутко, извините за выражение, хотелось ЖРАТЬ. Именно жрать, а не есть. Поэтому я препочел желания собственного желудка желаниям рассудка ;-)

Автор loco
#6 | Дата: 28 Сен 2007 15:49 
что ж, некоторые наши желания время от времени не поддаются контролю.

Recommend! проликсир-форум / Recommend! /

 stewart walker live in space garage, andrejsala on 21.09.2007

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