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The Castration

Год издания: 2007
Ярлыки: Experimental / Dark Ambient
Количество дисков: 1
Количество композиций: 6
Добавлено: 23 сентября 2007
Просмотров: 2801
Диск: N/A
РейтингРейтинг: 7
Ryu - The Castration - обложка

In some areas, "thirteen" is known as a dark mystic number, and the same number of works were released on the dark net-label "Darkwinter", before the new release from the Japanese master-of-sound-horror came out. Unfortunately label's owner Nathan Larson, earlier involved in releasing of such cult musicians as Vir Unis, Steve Roach and Alio Die, doesn't like to spread the issuing date of his presentations, supposing this music is out of time and human being, and only from the MP3 tags we could conclude only one year passed between "The Depressed" release from Ryu, and that is the latest work which is issued in 2007. That's true — MP3 format holds the music, and not the plastic bag for CD. It seems nowadays many musicians are ready to skip the monster label services, presenting their works on the free virtual platforms, but that doesn't mean the quality of their works stinks.

For me, even titles of mr.Ryu's works seem descriptive enough and do not require additional explanation. "Depressed" collected records of human fears at the initial level. Now, "The Castration" should bring up even more cynical and painful feelings, however it will be a surprise for the listener, that the only one composition on the album is written following previous rules. It is "Marxisto et Incestr", a thick chaos of the highly transformed mechanical sounds and noises, which will let your mind squeeze like under psychotic attack. Most part of the album are very calm and not destroying, and it reminds the big dark emptiness, where rumpling the consciousness, only minimal stuff for imagination has been left.

For those who are lost in this cut obstructionism, the introduction of even more voice messages could help. One of them somewhere at the beginning is a scream, "Mr.Capitalism, please castrate me!" and this is probably why the album is called so. Other voices sound like they would be recorded hundred years ago, then found and played after ecological catastrophe. If this stuff would not be included, I would seriously think that Ryu's music is castrating itself. But this lets me think there is something behind which probably flies out of my knowledge.

Additionally, it seems eastern flutes, tablas and possibly other naively percussed instruments are actively used now, exploring the "live" side of the dead music, which is quite interesting. I would specially mention the "Mujyun (Contradiction)" track, which stands separately from the whole album, but which seems for me the most successful work from Ryu so far, which could present his own genre and style in the future. Not a secret a lot of inspiration for this composer comes from the cold, but not empty Siberia lands, and freezing melancholic eastern culture in the dark ambiance becomes a very attractive sound.

Mr.Prolix Подпись

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Ответочка Quanthe
28 декабря 2009 09:23 ·
Prolix, какая небесная или подземная сила заставила тебя писать по-английски? Неужели обзор такой страшный? :-)

Ответочка MrProlix
29 декабря 2009 10:30 ·
Это была сделка :) Какая именно - может быть, спустя пару лет расскажу.

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