частная фанатека, её осмысление, и прочая отсебятина 18+
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Right away looking at the cover you won't understand what this recording is about. Dark Winter's owner Nathan Larson collaborates here with the quite mystical net scene person OVDK also known as Ryuta K. or Ryu, who was earlier up on DW with few remarkable releases, "The Castration" and "The Depressed", "In the Middle of Late Capitalism" and also was selected for one of INQB8R releases. Despite it's not really obvious who is who on this recording. I could conclude that mysterious Ryu supplied kind of very low frequence, deep and raw analogue recordings, and Larson's part was to create high and middle frequence world around them, but I may not be true, and truly, it doesn't matter a lot. The most important is the contrast feeling this recoding gives back. Obviously Larson made a really remarkable attempt uniting different mood tapes into one, and specially aligning impossible substances by sound.
The first track combines closed-to-death breathings with kind of metal pipes surrounded gradually by the deep noisy atmoshperes which can't do anything else but keep stunned. It is like the dark hole growing in your undermind; well, they called it "Distant Refraction" — I don't have ideas what it could mean. Probably, it means nothing. Hold on for 14 seconds somewhere else — here are 14 minutes of a really distant refraction from the perception of anything. Strange, but I definitely heard 80's shadow behind of it all. Are we getting too old?
"Feel thier Pracoxgefuhl". I guess that would be the right term to describe the next feeling I've got from these MP3 files. I don't know what "Pracoxgefuhl" means. And I doubt I would like to know it, really. I'm glad that I actually could "feel thier". Right after the sinking into the world of darkness, here we go further, to something more digitized and organized. Next track journey starts from the moment as if you would be like inside of the powerful electrical shield. You can even hear the deliberate distortions appearing on both sides of ears, which make your head tremoring a bit. Who knows, may be they are just mastering faults, but I doubt that the neigh of the horses, the squeak of the vehicles, and the ringing of the bells in combination with such cinematic moments would be passed by authors. Another six minutes of great visual interpretations through sound.
The third track, "Viscous Self Found in a Vacant Space" (I bet Ryu invented all these mangle titles), unfortunatelly, didn't bring me a lot of pleasure like the first two, because the listening focus started to dissolve. Hearing so many remarkable "Ryuta" echoes recorded in outspace and reminding classical avantgarde schools, I didn't discover nothing except the wish to know what happens next. Seven minutes are really too much for monotony.
"Why Not Sneeze Kangrinboqe?" — why really not, and that's the next question belonging to the 4th track. The steamship is leaving its mooring cables in a kind of eastern port, full of nations from the whole Earth; and who knows, may be it's primary Kangrinboqe's name is Noah... All we know that the noisy cloud finally disappears in the sea frog, and only small sirenes having, again, the artifical or intentional distortions are cutting off my ears. At this moment the power of sound died for me. Sad. The sad feeling, that the ship of everybody freezed somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Six minutes from ten, full of immobility.
It would be enough for forty minutes of recording to end at this moment, but the listener is welcomed to spend another half hour in the journey's part two. It starts with quite a wide and deep atmoshpere, "Flight of the Yameil Jyuravli", based on combination of just two accords; by the boldness of sound it slightly reminded me the thing I like in such experiments at most: the right combination of unusual harmonics. It's not a genious composition, but definitely worst checking because of its sound continuity. Still, if I would have power, I would cut the last three minutes from it. But it's all may be because I am too impatient to change my feelings. Obviously, monotony is the thing this duet should avoid if they come up with something similar in the future.
Unfortunately, the closing two ten-minute longing tracks appeared to me not impressive as well. Again, it seemed that they have lower amplitude comparing to others and do not provide the desired sound effect after almost hour of listening.
"Syntactic Incoherence" consists of kind of robotic voice speaking about the things I can't understand; it's like being on the train station in the crowd of unnatural substances from all the Space; somebody is speaking about something, but it's not possible to understand, what it's exactly about. Like no others, I would lose my interest to perceive information, if it doesn't make sense for me. The only interesting part of this track are brain-washing stereo samples appearing somewhere in the middle and continously during the whole track. In the end, hearing some regular and weak noise, I felt happy.
"Un stazion Centaur" starts wide, but this effect is quickly dissolving, again. The most boring part appears here the Japanese-speaking sample, rotating in delayed echoes around the head. Since I've heard the same many times and know how it's being produced, I doubt I would call it impressive and something new, the same as about multi-echoed combination of various samples following after that. If I wanted to hear music and sound, echoes are not really enough for it, similarly combination of different echoed recordings is not a music.
I may be too critical in terms of the continouty of the release and its general idea; I would be glad if themes would have strong starts and endings. I would also spend more working on the overall impression this recording gives, not leaving some tracks in unfinished mode, at least this is what I felt. But all I could be sure about, that the Web is not full of such releases. In terms of sound, comparing to similar works in the same genre, this one may seem lost in many aspects. But after listening it for the first time, it some way really worked for me. Before listening to it, I didn't perceived music seriously for couple of months. When you have nothing around ears, it's very astonishing to hear something created for, and by other ears. I wouldn't say this is a release for "regular listener" which would look for something unheard, and specially would hold his attention for such long time; but it's perfect western journey in terms of uniting sound of two lands, may be even the most spectacular collaboration achievement for Ryu, and probably a very burning out job for Larson. Take a listen when you are alone at home late night after many days of no listening to music, and you would closely understand what I mean.
Take a listen/download — free.
![]() 19 мая 2010 16:40 · См.также:
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